
Cl02 Sachet Treatments on Blueberries

Blueberry marketing chain improvements needed:

  • Quality – improved microbial standards for bacteria, yeasts and molds
  • Safety – low or “zero” tolerance for human pathogens
  • Suspected listeriosis outbreak – Connecticut 1984
  • Hepatitis A outbreak – New Zealand 2003
  • Food safety is a legitimate concern

Cl02 Sanitizer Efficacy for Berries

Gaseous chlorine dioxide (ClO2) was tested for its effectiveness in killing Salmonella, yeasts, and molds on blueberries, strawberries, and red raspberries. An inoculum (100 ml, 6.0 to 6.8 log CFU/g of fruit) that contained five serotypes of Salmonella enterica was deposited on the skin, calyx tissue, or stem scar tissue of blueberries, skin or stem scar tissue of strawberries, and skin of red raspberries, dried for 2 h at 228C, then held for 20 h at 48C and 2 h at 228C before treatment.

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